Block Instances or Actors

Ensure you set HATSU_ACCESS_TOKEN correctly in the previous section first, otherwise you will not be able to use the Hatsu Admin API.

Block URL

Block URL. if path is /, it is recognized as an instance.

Each time an activity is received an origin match is performed on blocked instances and an exact match is performed on blocked actors.

BLOCK_URL="" curl -X POST "http://localhost:$(echo $HATSU_LISTEN_PORT)/api/v0/admin/block-url?url=$(echo $BLOCK_URL)&token=$(echo $HATSU_ACCESS_TOKEN)"

Get the Actors URL for a Fediverse user

In Fediverse, we see user IDs typically as so how do we get the corresponding URL? it's simple. here's an example of a JavaScript environment where you can run it in your browser:

const id = ''

// split id by @ symbol
// ['', 'Gargron', '']
const [_, user, instance] = id.split('@')

// get webfinger json
const webfinger = await fetch(
  { headers: { accept: 'application/jrd+json' }}
).then(res => res.json())

// find rel=self
const url = webfinger.links.find(({ rel }) => rel === 'self').href


That's it! you may also need to open the console on the web page of the instance the account belongs to, given cross-origin issues and such.

Unblock URL

The unblocked version of the above API, simply replaces the path /api/v0/admin/block-url with /api/v0/admin/unblock-url.