Redirecting with Aoba (Lume & Hono)

SSG plugin for Lume and Server Middleware for Deno Deploy and Netlify.

Aoba provides some plugins and server middleware for Lume and Hono, including Hatsu integration.


The Lume plugin will do what you did in Redirecting with Static files and Markup for you.

Replace hatsu.local with your Hatsu instance and with your site.

import lume from 'lume/mod.ts'
import { hatsuPlugin } from 'aoba/lume/plugins/hatsu.ts'

export default lume({ location: new URL('') })
        // Hatsu instance
        instance: new URL('https://hatsu.local'),
        // match /posts/*
        match: [/^\/posts\/(.+)$/],

Lume Server

On top of that, the Lume server middleware can redirect .well-known/* and AS2 request.

Replace hatsu.local with your Hatsu instance.

import Server from 'lume/core/server.ts'
import site from './_config.ts'
import { hatsuMiddleware } from 'aoba/lume/middlewares/hatsu.ts'

const server = new Server()

    // Hatsu instance
    instance: new URL('https://hatsu.local'),
    // site location
    location: site.options.location,



It's not published to npm, so feel free to copy and paste it if you need to use it in a Node.js.

Replace hatsu.local with your Hatsu instance.

import { Hono } from 'hono'
import { hatsuWellKnown, hatsuObject } from 'aoba/hono/middlewares/hatsu.ts'

const app = new Hono()
const instance = new URL('https://hatsu.local')

//* => https://hatsu.local/.well-known/*
app.use('/.well-known/*', hatsuWellKnown({ instance }))
// => https://hatsu.local/posts/
app.use('/posts/*', hatsuObject({ instance }))