Redirecting with Platform-Specific Configuration

Works with Netlify and Vercel.

Well Known

Netlify (netlify.toml)

Create a netlify.toml file in the root directory containing the following:

Replace hatsu.local with your Hatsu instance.

  from = "/.well-known/host-meta*"
  to = "https://hatsu.local/.well-known/host-meta:splat"
  status = 307
  from = "/.well-known/nodeinfo*"
  to = "https://hatsu.local/.well-known/nodeinfo"
  status = 307
  from = "/.well-known/webfinger*"
  to = "https://hatsu.local/.well-known/webfinger"
  status = 307

Vercel (vercel.json)

Create a vercel.json file in the root directory containing the following:

Replace hatsu.local with your Hatsu instance.

  "redirects": [
      "source": "/.well-known/host-meta",
      "destination": "https://hatsu.local/.well-known/host-meta"
      "source": "/.well-known/host-meta.json",
      "destination": "https://hatsu.local/.well-known/host-meta.json"
      "source": "/.well-known/nodeinfo",
      "destination": "https://hatsu.local/.well-known/nodeinfo"
      "source": "/.well-known/webfinger",
      "destination": "https://hatsu.local/.well-known/webfinger"


Redirects file only applies to .well-known. for AS2 redirects, you need to use AS2 Alternate.